Why is Christmas Day Celebrated on the 25th December?

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Why is Christmas Day Celebrated on the 25th December?

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God. The name Christmas comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). The Mass (sometimes called the Eucharist or carol) is a place where Christians remember Jesus’ resurrection after death. The Christian Mass is the only ceremony allowed after sunset. (before sunrise the next day) so people have the name Christ Mass at midnight, abbreviated as Christ. Christmas is celebrated all over the world, whether Christian or non-Christian. It’s a time for family and friends to get together and remember the good things they have. People, especially children, love Christmas, too, because it’s time for you to give and receive gifts!

No one knows Jesus’ real birthday! There is no date in the Bible, so why do we celebrate it on December 25? Of course, there was a lot of debate among early Christians about when to celebrate it! In addition, Jesus may not have been born in the first year, but a little earlier, between 2 and 7 BC, Probably in 4 BC (4 BC) (not 0) from 1 BC to 1 BC, December 25 was the first Christmas celebration calendar for the Roman emperor Constantine (who was the first Christian Roman emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially announced that the birth of Jesus would take place on December 25 th. However, there are many different traditions and theories. About the reason why Christmas is celebrated on December 25 th. The early Christian tradition, The day Mary was told she would have a very special child was March 25-still March 25 today. Nine months after March 25 was December 25! March 25 was also the day some early Christians thought the world would be. The day when Jesus died in adulthood, March 25 was chosen because people counted the date on which Jesus came of age (No. 14 of the Jewish calendar), and they believed that Jesus was born and died on the same day as that year. Others think December 25 is the date of Jesus’ death. It may also have been chosen because the Winter Solstice and the ancient pagan Roman Mid-Autumn Festival were known as “saturation Festival” (saturnalia) and “death Festival” (death natalis solis invicti) in December, when people were already celebrating the festival.


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