Handbags are style statements. A bag is an important accessory for every woman. However, with the current situation, it is difficult to go around as normally you would. But we do hope for the brighter times to come soon and you can rock your style with pride. With every season there is a new bag trend. With the current springtime, it is always great to carry a handbag for various reasons. Firstly, you can carry your whole world in your bag and secondly, it is stylish and keeps you warm in the colder spring weather. Besides, when bundled up in heavy coats and jackets, it’s your handbag that makes you stand out. Carrying some bold colored bags on an otherwise dark gray and gloomy day will brighten your day. From puffy purses to fringed ones, quilted and many more styles that are trendy are also a fashion statement.
Every woman treats a bag differently. For some it is very important, and they try to make it the statement piece of their whole look, while for some it is just a required accessory to carry things around. Which ever category you fall into, you will always need a bag. We believe a great quality stylish bag is an investment. It helps to carry all your valuables, besides completes your overall look. After looking through the current trends, pictures on social media and streetstyle pictures from fashion capitals, we are here to share some of the trendiest handbags, you will need this winter season.
We have noted some strong bag trends this season. No matter the size, bags this winter are more dominating with heavy metal detailing to bright and bold colors, and the neutral tones of brown, camel tones etc.
A quilted bag is timeless and looks expensive. It is one of the favorite styles of bags every fashionista has it in her wardrobe. Every season there is always a new design and color available. We love the burgundy color for the spring season. It is such a warm color perfect for colder spring. The gold hardware is so popular latterly.
A stylish cross body bag is always needed in your collection. There are times when you are going out for some shopping, or movie, you need a cross body bag.
As we mentioned earlier a quilted style handbag is our favorite. When bored of carrying the neutral black, brown and gray, add some color so stand out and look trendy.
Yellow is bright, beautiful and cool. Just carrying this bag will make you look like a true fashionable lady.
Chain hardware detailing is the current trend. Be it gold or silver, chunky hardware is gaining popularity with fashionistas and street style fashion celebrities. Every retailer is coming up with some stylish bags at all prices.
A tote bag is such an elegant style bag to own. It can polish a very casual outfit. A lady like bag is much needed in your wardrobe.
These are some handbags you need to try to look warm and cool at the same time. For more fashion info, please click this link https://www.bitittan.com/